Customer Service
Problems or Questions?
If you're having trouble with downloads or the checkout process, please Contact Us and we will make sure that you get the files you purchased. We have had a few problems that we have worked to fix. Please don't buy the same file multiple times if it will not download the first time!
Ordering Without a Paypal Account
Paypal handles our credit and debit card payments, but you do not have to have a Paypal account to make purchases from the Learn Camera Repair site.
At the end of the checkout process, you'll be taken to Paypal's site. If you have a Paypal account, you can log in to it there. If you do not have a Paypal account, look under the Paypal login and click the button that says "Pay with debit or credit card." This will let you pay without joining Paypal.
You can see this circled in red in the screenshot of the Paypal login screen shown here.

How to Download Files That You Have Purchased
After you complete the payment process, you can download any files you have purchased by logging in to your customer account. The screenshot below shows a customer account page. In your account, click the Downloads link, circled in red on the screenshot.
On the Downloads page, you'll see a list of files that you have purchased, along with a download link for each file. The section of the page with the download links is circled in red.