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Camera Repair Course
In the past, it was possible for an aspiring camera repair technician to go to school for it, just as one would do to learn many other skilled trades. Unfortunately, that is no longer true. The trade schools that once trained workers for the photographic equipment repair industry have all closed down. Camera manufacturers still train their own service techs, but that training is only available to those who are hired to work for them.
Learn Camera Repair's founder, Gene Pate, went through the National Camera training program back in the 1980s. National Camera was a company that offered a camera repair training course that could be completed in a traditional classroom setting at their offices in Colorado, or by correspondence through the mail (there was no internet or email back then!).
Gene has received permission from the owner of the copyrights to the old National Camera training materials to use them to create an online course of study for those interested in learning to repair cameras.
You will be able to download, read, and use the written lessons for $1 each. If you wish to study in a more serious manner, we will be offerings tests and assignments that Gene will grade for you. There will be a small fee for each lesson that you complete if you wish to do this, and he will be availble for personal assistance for paying students.
The course of study is not accredited, as it is not intended to prepare you for the workforce. It is for those who have an interest in learning to service their own equipment. This is a valuable skill, as many repair techs are retiring with no one there to fill their shoes in the future.
We will be adding new lessons from the National Camera course as well as lessons created by Gene Pate as time goes on.
Most of the lessons will have three parts. The first is a Study Procedures guide. Read it first. Next is the main text for the lesson. Finally, there will be an online quiz for each lesson.
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