[ 38 ] Items

Service Manuals


Our library contains more than one thousand factory service manuals, parts diagrams, repair articles, and tutorials for repairing cameras and other types of photographic equipment. This is the largest online collection of service manuals that we know of.

The manuals are all organized by manufacturer; click on the manufacturer's name in the menu to see all of the repair manuals we have for that company's products.

You can also search by model name using the search box at the top of the menu.


Please Note: In order to keep the site online, we are now asking $3.23 each for most of the files on the site. Tutorials written by members of the Learn Camera Repair Facebook Group are $1.25 each. After you complete the checkout process, you can log into your account on the site to download your manuals.

For the first five years that we operated this site, we were able to offer all of these manuals as free downloads. The site has gotten so large and popular that we are exceeding the limits of bandwidth and storage imposed by our web host. Please don't share these files; if we do not bring in enough revenue to pay to keep the site online, we will be forced to shut the site down. We've set the price low enough that it won't burden those who want to learn to repair cameras, while hopefully bringing in enough each month to keep the site open. We are not trying to make a profit from this.



Konica FT-1 Mirror Mechanism Tutorial


Tutorial by Helge Haselbach
Leica 135mm f4 Elmar (Early LTM) Lens Diagram


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica 28mm f2.8 Elmarit-R (Version 1) Lens Diagram


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica 35mm f3.5 Elmar (LTM) Lens Diagram


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica 35mm f3.5 Summaron (LTM) Lens Diagram


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica 40mm f2 Summicron-C Lens Diagram


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica 50mm f2 Summicron (Version III) Lens Diagram


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica 50mm f2 Summicron-R (Version I) Lens Diagram


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica 50mm f2 Summitar Lens Diagram


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica 50mm f2.8 Elmar (LTM) Lens Diagram


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica 50mm Summarit-M Helicoid Diagram


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica CL Repair Article


Article from the Society of Photo-Technologists Journal
Leica CL Repair Manual


Factory repair manual
Leica IIIf Repair Manual


Factory repair manual
Leica IIIf Service Guide


National Camera Repair Guide
Leica IIIg Rangefinder Adjustment


Factory repair manual
Leica IIIg Repair Manual


Factory repair manual
Leica Leicameter-MR Buttons and Top Cover Removal


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica Lubricants and Adhesives


Compiled by Albert Tong
Leica M Factory Tips


Article on repairing M-Series Leica cameras
Leica M2 Service Guide


National Camera Repair Guide
Leica M2 Service Manual


Factory Service Manual
Leica M2 US Military Repair Training


Leica M2 repair manual used by US Military. KS-15(4).
Leica M2 US Military Repair Training


Leica M2 repair manual used by US Military. K-15(4).
Leica M3 Repair Manual


Factory repair manual
Leica M4 Film Counter Diagram


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leica M4 Parts Diagrams


Leica M4 parts diagrams by US Military
Leica M5 Repair Article


Article from Camera Craftsman
Leica M6 Service Manual


Factory repair manual and parts diagrams
Leica M7 Repair Manual


Factory repair manual
Leica R3 MOT Parts Diagrams


Factory parts diagrams
Leica Rangefinder Lens Helical Designs


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leicaflex Film Advance Repair Notes


Diagrams by Ketil Berge Lunde
Leicaflex Repair Article


Article from Camera Craftsman
Replacing Shutter Curtains on Screwmount Leicas


Written by Christopher Kuni

[ 38 ] Items